
"I say, it's love"

Robert Indiana's most famous piece of artwork is his 'LOVE' scultpure. I've seen it a couple of times when I've gone to NYC.
^Me & a friend of mine at Indiana's sculpture in NYC

The LOVE design has been reproduced in a variety of formats. Likewise, the sculpture has been recreated in multiple versions and a variety of colors, and is now on display around the world. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_(sculpture))

The message that this gave me was that love can be found in so many different ways, in so many different places. This idea fit perfectly with the song, so I decided to use it.

I drew this one on Valentine's Day (hence the colors that I chose to use). This piece took me an hour and a half to complete.
(Like I've mentioned before, I'm not a big fan of rushing to get things done... especially when I enjoy what I'm doing at that moment)

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