
WISE Presentation on Friday!!!

My WISE Presentation will be this Friday, period 6!! :)
It'll either be in Mr. Murphy's room orrr in the Health room right nextdoor.

Expect something different than a "normal" WISE presentation. Expect creativity. Expect inspiration

**Scroll down and go to my "Older Posts" to know more about my project


(Phone)-photography / Other

Artsy (phone)-photography [Photo Credit: maahhself]  
When going through my camera phone pictures, I found several other artsy photos that I had taken in the past (they don't really have anything to do with the song part of my project, but I'm considering this to be another part of my project in general, as I am just adding on to the time that I make for myself to work on art). The photos below are the original ones taken from my camera phone, and then edited through Picnik.
Location: West Palm Beach
Now it looks like it could have easily been a water color painting

Location: West Palm Beach

Location: Block Island

Location: Rhode Island
It's hard to believe that I found this in the sky, but I promise you it's true!!
(You can see my beach umbrella in the bottom right corner.)

Location: San Francisco

^ This is a photo that I took of one of the pages of
a small scrapbook that I made.


Other random, artsy pictures
There are many pictures that I found online that I absolutely adored.
(they just didn't work for the ones I needed for the song part of my project)



*Other artwork that I've done -- aside from the focus of the "Love" song

Obviously it's still a work in progress...